The Moon - Inyanga

31 January 2018 – Moon trifecta, Super Moon, Blue Moon, Lunar Eclipse

Today we have a triple whammy which has not happened in 150 years. Super Blood moon, Blue Moon and Lunar Eclipse  so brace yourselves for an awe-inspiring magical day. Its either going to be a triple treat or a triple threat. Are you ready?

The Moon - Inyanga18 The Moon is the card for the year supported by 9 The Hermit and 11 Strength. Today we add 7 The Chariot.

This is a year all about our emotional selves, we discover strength by looking within and assessing the lessons we learnt in 2017. Most of us are tested on a daily basis in some way or another. Its time to reach down deep and find your strength to rise up and meet the challenges. Be it to overcome an obstacle, to persevere in a relationship or project or those fighting disease and loss. This inner strength or consciousness is about learning to live with focus and intent.

The Moon invites you to seek your undiscovered self. The Chariot or Warrior invites you to be inspired and fearless as you walk your path to self discovery. Only when we are at one with ourselves are we truly able to live the life we desire.

Experience is a great teacher – how well have you learnt the lessons from the past and how are you acting on that knowledge? The energy of The Hermit and light bearer illuminates our path, the invitation is to in turn be the way-shower to others who are perhaps struggling to find their way, their truth.

Once we are in our still point and have connected with our truth we acquire the understanding and motivation (living with intent) to make the right choices, to act and speak with a good heart and to have the appropriate response in all situations.

iTongo Tarot CardHow does the energy of the Chariot help us?
The first step is to establish what inspires you? What is that great dream that you imagine? What are you doing to get there? Instead of new year resolutions (which most are broken by now) rather set new year solutions. Goals to work towards, you have a whole year to achieve them.

Walking the path of the Warrior is an honourable journey. Be your own Samurai – fight for what you believe in, honour those who help you along the way. Stand victorious over your enemies (challenges, self doubt, ego, fear, attachment etc.)

Imagination is your vehicle to your destiny. You need to have the courage of your convictions to push on and not give up. Inspiration comes when we are in control of our thoughts and emotions. We also need to allow time for things to manifest – its not Abracadabra and poof your world has changed, all your desires have been fulfilled, it’s about how you change then your world will be changed.

Some of our challenges are our greatest motivators and help us to maintain the impetus of our actions as we apply our wisdom. The Chariot represents balance.  Keeping a light hand on the reins but steering with a good heart and an open mind.  Try not to let those bumps in the road throw you off course.  Little things can be blown out of all proportion if not dealt with immediately.  Don’t spend your energy and time worrying about things that you can’t do anything about.  Focus on the big picture – the road ahead.

There are many tools available – Prayer, meditation, yoga, contemplation etc. A simple way to quiet the mind to allow the unconscious to become conscious is through breath. Breath is life, the basic and most fundamental expression of our life.  In yoga the breath or in Sanskrit “prana” is said to be the vehicle of the mind.  Because it is the prana that makes our mind move. It is through breath that all those messages are carried through the blood stream in our bodies

Our body parts are neutral, they have no emotion or thought – it is up to us to make sure that the right message is getting to the right centre, so we can enjoy the right response. So when we calm the mind by working with the breath we are simultaneously and automatically taming and training the mind.  We take a deep breath when life becomes stressful – let out a deep breath when the moment of anxiety has passed – breath regulates our temperature and mood.  It is through breath that we can bring about physiological change within our bodies.  We express ourselves through breath.  Laugher, groaning, panting etc. Find the tool that best supports your inner landscape. Our inner world is reflected in our outer world.  Look around and see what is right and what is wrong.  Take ownership of your thoughts and actions and make the changes that will bring about your best life.  Breathe.

The Chariot – Indwe represents the positive aspects of the ego.  A healthy ego is one that is strong and self assured.  It knows what it wants and how to get it.   Control self and you control your environment. Life is full of opportunities, we just need to be prepared, to recognise the opportunity when it presents. Some opportunites seem like obstacles, but with the right mindset, calculation and evaluation of the situation/challenge we can fiercly go into battle and be victorious. Live the Kaizen way this is a tool about constant improvement by ‘flow’ and ‘process’.

Knock those doubts, inertia and woe-is-me thoughts right out and live the warrior way with focus and intent, be fearless and inspired. A true warrior cry is reflected in the poem Invictus

I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul

iTongo Legend about Eclipses

A beautiful young princess and her admirer, a brave hunter, were deeply in love. Her father the king could not sanction this liaison as he had promised her to the son of his life long friend, a neighbouring king. The prince to whom she was promised was well known in the community for his cruelty and brutality. Fearing that his daughter would elope, the king kept her heavily guarded with his best men.

A lavish celebration was held to honour the princess on the morning of the wedding ceremony. When masked dancers appeared before the king, the princess recognised her lover among them and realised that this would be her opportunity to escape. She only needed a moment of darkness and confusion to succeed in her bid.

Mother moon, well known for her romantic inclination, cast her shadow over the face of the sun, timing it just long enough for the young princess to take off her cloak and disappear into the crowd, hiding behind the mask of her lover.

Legend has it that when an eclipse takes place, all you have to do is close your eyes and wish for true love and this wish will be realised.


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