Presidents – Incumbent and Future

There is so much being said, tweeted, shared and commented on by everyone, it got me wondering what does the South African president Jacob Zuma and the USA Presidential Candidates look like in Tarot.

5hierophant Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma – DOB 12 April 1942 (1+2+4+1+9+4+2 = 23/5)
Msholozi is certainly living up to his destiny/birth date – His essence is about destruction and illusions. He should follow the path of restructure and restore to the greater good, but this is only done on a personal level and not with the interests of the population in mind. He is however a man of great courage and sexual force, a natural charismatic – he sees the truth as a danger especially in difficult and challenging times. He will break down existing forms to find their true value and is in need of internal restructuring.

Every now and then he has moments or flashes of enlightenment but carries on regardless with military precision without feelings of panic or fear. He is not able to change voluntarily and will fight to keep things the way they are. Imagination and conviction are his drivers and once he is moving in a particular direction he maintains the impetus as an egocentric individual.

2016 is the year of learning for Zuma … he will look to others for assistance. The ancestors ask ‘what traditions are you upholding and rebelling against’?

Crossing over to the USA Presidential race – Immediately we see that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are destined to rule (one way or another) Hillary The Empress and Donald the Emperor – no wonder its such a huge battle, masculine vs. feminine.

 8 November 2016
Hillary : 10 Wheel of Fortune :
Breakthrough; Prosperity; Karma; Abundance; Opportunity; Cycles
Donald: 11 Strength
Strength; Passion; Creative energy; Taming of the beast within; Courage; Moral victory

So what kind of leaders would they be?

thumb_3-empress_1024-2Hillary Clinton – DOB 26 October 1947 (26+10+1947 = 57 / 12 / 3)
Hillary Clinton (HC) begins her process’ from a place of spirit, before she makes a choice or decision she will consider ‘what is the right thing to do”.  Everything is considered within logic and reason. With a good understanding of timing and the cycles of opportunity, she will wait for the right moment, which affords the breakthrough and success that follows. Communication is her strength and she is able to balance action and reaction well. Execution of action would be fast and she brings prosperity, opportunity and abundance to those she leads.

HC has a destiny to fulfil; she is a light bearer and way shower. She commands respect and is creative in finding solutions. Her strength is being centred in body, mind and spirit. She has the inclination towards renewal and regeneration and this will bring economic improvement and abundance back into the country.

2016 is a year of sacrifice with wisdom, breaking old patterns and dissolving barriers, it’s a year to surrender to prophecy.

iTongo Tarot CardDonald Trump – DOB 14 June 1946 (14+6+1946 = 40 / 4)
Donald Trump makes decisions based on his own experience. He will find others to work in co-operation of his ideas and ideals. Not unlike HC at his core DT is also driven to create harmony through integration based in spiritual wisdom. He identifies strongly with the symbols of the patriarch and leadership. The question is how does he manage the responsibility of power – does he walk with wisdom or rely solely on his perceived gifts and talents? How strong is his emotional intelligence versus his intellectual capacity?

DT’s success in business comes from the ability to magic something out of nothing and moving forward when the time is right. He steps off the cliff believing he can fly (and he usually does) because he has good judgement and the courage to transform – the downside is that he would usually do this in isolation and not always consider the repercussions to others. He believes his destiny is to win (at all costs) and he will change the USA. Time will tell if he is ‘the fool’ or ‘the emperor’.

2016 is DT’s year of transition, transformation and rebirth.